




“The idea of eternal return is mysterious, and Nietzsche has perplexed the other philosophers: ¡To think that everything should ever be repeated as we have already lived, and that even that repetition should be repeated to infinity! What does that demential myth mean? (Kundera, p. 1)

A good question, for since before b.C., the world has lived in wars one after the other, for various reasons, and they have been brutal between two sides or many sides depending on the strategic alliances that occur, almost always because of the power dispute. from the dementia of man by dominating the man's mymos, by subjugating the otherness, by being one more than others, but in the last, it is the same man who has suffered the consequences of this attitude that is repeated in certain periods of time, and that it will never be overcome.


Why? For that is the nature of man in himself. The being lives in constant struggle within its own interior under circumstances that are the object of study, such as jealousy, anger, revenge, envy, disbelief, appearances, lies, attachments, duels, unmet basic needs, the craving of power, finally, a number of events that make the same human being as individuality at war with himself, from there arise great physical and especially mental illnesses, since his struggle is inexhaustible until his finitude.

Dear readers ¿What would you believe are the circumstances for there to be not a war within the Self, but in an exogenous way, a war between a country or between countries?


They may be more than we can imagine, but there are trends that almost always coincide with internal wars like the one in Colombia. despite being denied by state agencies after a peace agreement that many analysts consider was misleading with a guerrilla group and yet it is still in internal war, and open confrontation between states, or non-war but if evident confrontation between world powers and their allies.


¿What then would these coincidences be to denote the existence of a war, so be it not declared? You cherished readers can investigate the multiplicity of factors, characteristics and causes. Let's look at some of them, defining their temporality.


World War I. (1914-1918)

  • Commitment of many countries.
  • Long sequence of war.
  • Global mobilization.
  • Use of propaganda (media).
  • They valued the strategic rear.
  • Use of weaponry that was imposing for the time.
  • Home arms race.
  • Prevalence due to economic hegemony.
  • In short, a number of more features, the consequences of which were to affect the human being with famines, displacements of territories, more than 20 million deaths, most of them civilians and desolation for humanity.


World War II (1939 – 1945)


  • It was global.
  •  EE superpowers emerge.
  • USA (Capitalist) – USSR (Communist).
  • The UN is created.
  • Cold War is born.
  • Sophisticated weaponry, airplanes, ships.
  • Atomic bomb.
  • In short, as in any war the consequence was to affect the human being. The single atomic bomb killed 55 million human beings, with the same starving characteristics and conflicts resulting from ideologies that persist in underdeveloped countries throughout America and the planet earth.


Since long before the First World War, there has been another kind of “war” that parallels the weaponists and may never be nuclear, as these will extinguish the human race, they have emerged.


These are “bacteriological” in nature whose scenario, although they are not similar in terms of their characteristics in terms of war, if they resemble a war to save humanity, on the understanding that they were the product of the evolution of nature, where surely animals and man by some circumstances would have been compromised by the emergence of the following among many others:


Cancer, smallpox (1770 – 1796), rabies (1881 – 1884), rubella (1962 – 1969), pertussis (1906 – 1914), yellow fever (1913 – 1939), Spanish flu (1918 – 1920), measles (1954 – 1963), flu (1931 – 1945), Japanese encephalitis (1934 – 1954), polio (1935 – 1955), tuberculosis (1900 – 1921), mumps (1945 – 1967), in the years 80’ appears HIV, HPV (1983 – 2006), hepatitis A (1967 – 1991), rotavirus (1980 – 2006), influenza H1N1 pandemic (2009 – 2010). (Vega, 2020). Its consequences billions of dead human beings and the economy are being put to an end by infringing the human being hardships.


“Every war is based on deception. A general {a major sergeant}[1]  who is skilled must be a teacher in the complementary arts of simulation and dissent, while creating forms that cause confusion and deception to the enemy…the commander who knows attacks only when the situation guarantees him victory” (Griffith, 1999, pp. 74-75)


This is to set the stage for what is happening today, not as a war, but against an invisible ghost that attacks and leaves traces. Much has been speculated about the pandemic that afflicts us, some say it was created frily calculated by man, others that it was an accident escaped from a laboratory, in any case we will briefly look at the consequences that this pandemic leaves us, and let us stop our thinking to reflect on whether we are perhaps not in a world war.

 ·       Greater social inequality.

·       Negative and positive impact on education.

·       Human beings become more vulnerable and fragile.

·       There are mutations of the original strain which presupposes that the pandemic beyond its vaccinations will be for a long time in our lives.

·       Incalculable losses in economic terms that can overcome the global depression after the Second World War.

·       Job loss.

·       Unestimated future increase in human deaths.

·       The co-sification of the human being as the authorities to prevent the spread of the pandemic shortens as if they were flocks on human beings, confining them and controlling them, losing to the son of the pandemic the most precious freedom.

·       Sequelae of physical and mental nature.

·       Post-traumatic stress.

·       Exhaustion of the lines of direct confrontation, our disciples of Hippocrates and the whole logistical gear for containing the mutant enemy.

·       Lack of supplies (medicines, qualified medical personnel)

·       Monopoly of the media to control the population, generating an increase in alternative means of expression.

·       Migration problems due to global warming and the same pandemic mutation.

·       A new world order will emerge from the hand of technologies.

·       The distancing and pavor between the same society and families because of the terror of being infected.

·       Famine will emerge and violence will therefore increase.

·       Geopolitical changes and unthinkable alliances may occur once in the search for a solution to the pandemic problem.

·       The capacity of human expression as a monopoly of thought toward the same end will be quarted.

·       Disinformation.

They are not premonitions, they are rather questions that make us think that it is not just a mere global pandemic, for in the midst of it events have occurred that bring us closer to the scene of a world war.


But not everything is surely bad after this “world war” so that it is not declared by any state, only by the empathetic of those who have suffered the consequences of the pandemic. We agree even with the galenans that what we are witnessing is much more than just a pandemic, new things will emerge that will require change, rethinking, and unlearning from what was the end of the twentieth century and the principle and mandatory change of our behaviors as human beings in this twenty-first century.

Hope cannot be lost, catastrophic, panic, or scandalous, it must be assumed that not everyone who is going to war can die. Those who remain or remain, beyond ideologies or ideas, will surely promise to achieve the best for humanity.


Let's refresh this philosophy with a song that advocates world peace, double-click the following link.





Griffith, S. (1999). El Arte de la Guerra Sun Tzu. Santafé de Bogotá: Panamericana.

Kundera, M. (s.f.). La insoportable levedad del ser. R.B.A.

Vega, G. (2020). Historia, cultura y pandemias. Quito, Ecuador: Repositorio Digital UIDE. Recuperado el 10 de enero de 2021, de

[1] author's note

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