


 Is global warming the fault of humans or is it due to natural factors?

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Various issues have always concerned the stability of humanity, so far this century at least three have been the most relevant, the year the world changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, war and violence everywhere and climate change, the latter although it has occupied important lines of news coverage seems to have only penetrated those who have suffered, so apathy, selfishness and the lack of solidarity on the part of societies towards otherness and the same governments, according to ECLAC (n.f.) that they are aiming for an agenda on the topic by 2030, the expectations of compliance on this particular issue are escaping, so it cannot be exceeded, not only because we lack ecological awareness, but also because the forces of nature itself meets its own dynamics, in addition to space scientific phenomena, situations that escape human procedure.

It is necessary to remember the most specific elements, which according to the 2030 Agenda in Latin America and the Caribbean (S.f) are those that would contribute to stimulating the global climate crisis in terms of ecosystems, rising temperatures and sea levels, changes in rainfall, which would ultimately affect the most marginalized social classes.

Until the end of the twentieth century and the first five years of this century, farmers and many people fixed the climatic behavior in the cabins, according to, Fuentes (2003) as a very popular fact, where they observed the first twelve days of the year and according to it fixed the astronomical elements that favored them for planting and other matters, it is no longer so, at the end of the last century the very old Bristol Almanac was used, as argued, Castiblanco R. (2016), to know about the lunar phases and meteorological issues among other things, which were even used when there was not so much technology.

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The translation of the earth is something that goes even more unnoticed in the community at large according to Zhong (2023) with the turn of the century the earth began to get out of control “the imaginary rod around which it rotates, was subtly deviating to the south, away from the geographical North Pole and heading towards Canada. However, suddenly, it took a sharp turn and began to move to the east”"it is a subtle change, but it has remarkable consequences according to researchers in the field, beyond the thawing of glaciers, it is pointed out that the water extracted under the subsoil, for the support of different communities around the world influenced this unusual fact.

This same author in his research argues that “Between 1960 and 2000, more than twice as much groundwater was exhausted worldwide”, originating voids in holes where H2o existed, generating large underground cavities that were exerting great planetary pressure on their own axis; this means that the heart of the earth is changing, according to Andrews (2023) “Scientists suspect that this ball of iron and nickel is about 2446 kilometers long and is almost as hot as the surface of the sun.", scientific research further suggests that, Andrews quoting Song, estimates that the speed of our terrestrial core goes at a higher speed in some epochs and that it likewise slows down with respect to the earth's translation.

This is further supported by the publication of, Chen (2013) “there is an irregular movement of the pole at intermediate timescales of some years, the polar movement at these intermediate timescales is probably related to the climate and the increased melting of the ice”. (Figure 2), then a big question arises: How often does the earth change its geographical condition and how can it affect the climate on earth? There are many theories about it, the truth of the case is that the days already seem to be much longer or shorter, hotter or colder than usual.

According to Rodríguez (2022) “on July 19, 2022, scientists recorded what was the shortest day on Earth since measurements began to be taken in this regard, in the 1960s.” As has been appreciated, it is not only human interference that influences climate changes, but also nature itself, such as the eruption of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai submarine volcano, which occurred on January 15, 2022, in the insular Kingdom of Tonga in the Pacific Ocean. According to Miranda (2022) this was an unprecedented event since it is considered the largest explosion on earth in the Moderna era, according to this researcher it is estimated that more than “146,000 million liters of water reached the stratosphere, which is the equivalent of 58,000 Olympic swimming pools or, what is the same, 10% of the water that was already in the stratosphere” and that this phenomenon will last at least five more years influencing climate change.

The matter does not end here according to, Lasheras (2023) points out that on July 3, 2023, an average global temperature of 17ºC was exceeded, which is the hottest day since the first records were taken in 1979, other events that preceded it were recorded in 1913, that day in “California's Death Valley, thermometers reached 56.7 degrees”, which leaves the free thinker to question whether in other millennial times of which there are no scientific records the earth would have suffered other records that we do not know exactly. In these terms and given the technological advances it can be implied that the earth is burning, the droughts are contrasted with the terrifying floods in different geographical places.

According to, Caballero (2007) the concepts of greenhouse effect, global warming and climate change, must be clearly handled by the citizens of the world to understand even more about this topic that is so elusive to us and that is only of technical use for experts in the field, the first is a blanket that stays close to the surface of the earth and has to do with the thermal radiation that the earth emits by burning fossil fuels preventing the heat generated by the sun from leaving, the second is concomitant to the first, but here a great responsibility is attributed to the individual as a being who can manage to favor or affect with their daily actions such as deforestation of rainforests, uses of fertilizers, the inappropriate use of waste separation, among many more and the last reference temperature changes and their durability in time and space.

A palpable example is what happens in Uruguay, according to, GREENPEACE, (2023) this country suffers the most drastic loss of drinking water in the last 70 years, meaning that water reserves are extremely limited to alleviate the needs of all its inhabitants, there is worldwide alarm about the humanitarian crisis that can trigger this phenomenon.

Colombia, has been registering unwanted events but caused consciously by man in both organization and the various criminal groups and gangs, which are throughout the country, who deforest by illegal mining, by the use of chemicals and dumping of the same in the elaboration of prohibited substances affecting the causes of waters and rivers, by the blowing up of oil pipelines spilling oil to the land and waters, by the ecocides that according to Muñoz (2021) the Political Constitution, enshrines the protection of the environment. Law 2111 of 2021, which typifies, among others, ecocide in article 333 of the Criminal Code, which is defined in paragraph 2º “as the massive damage and serious and systemic generalized destruction of ecosystems”, but it is also a criminal offense and as if it were not enough people who seem to articulate to intentionally cause burning of vegetation.

A big question arises, what am I doing for my planet?, if each citizen of the polis contributes with his "grain of sand" that is, with the development of good environmental practices, surely Colombia, could not be noticeably affected like other countries that suffer from warming, lack of water or excess of it. Now, we have already shown that, although man abuses the planet, it is no less true that there are factors related to nature and space that are undoubtedly marking an unflattering course on our earth.

Four Seasons - Vivaldi


Agenda 2030 en América Latina y el Caribe. (s.f.). ONU. Obtenido de

Andrews, R. (24 de enero de 2023). El núcleo de la Tierra está cambiando la forma en que gira, según científicos. The New York Times. Obtenido de

Caballero, M. L. (2007). Efecto invernadero, calentamiento global y cambio climático: una perspectiva desde las ciencias de la Tierra. Revista Digital Universitaria, 08. Obtenido de

Castiblanco Roldán, A. F. (2016). Lectores y cultura popular: el Almanaque Pintoresco de Bristol y otros almanaques del siglo XX y principios del XXI. Revista de Estudios Colombianos. Obtenido de

CEPAL. (s.f.). Naciones Unidas. Obtenido de

Chen, J. ,. (2013). Rapid ice melting drives Earth's pole to the east. American Geophysical Union.(40), 2625–2630. doi:10.1002/grl.50552

Fuentes, B. &. (2003). Las Cabañuelas o la Predicción del Tiempo en el Saber Popular. Nimbus, 151 - 157. Obtenido de

GREENPEACE. (06 de julio de 2023). ¡ALERTA! Crisis hídrica en Uruguay. Montevideo se queda sin agua potable. Obtenido de

Lasheras, R. (06 de julio de 2023). Acabamos de vivir el día más caluroso registrado en la historia de la Tierra. TecnoXplora. Obtenido de

Miranda, D. (2022). Los efectos del volcán de Tonga en la atmósfera podrían durar hasta 5 años. National Geographic. Obtenido de

Muños, C. (11 de octubre de 2021). Legis Ámbito Jurídico. Obtenido de

Rodríguez, H. (2022). Los días en la Tierra son cada vez más largos. National Geographic. Obtenido de

Zhong, R. (04 de julio de 2023). Algo estaba alterando el eje de la Tierra. La respuesta tiene que ver con nosotros. The Neyork Time. Obtenido de

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