Philosophy of the Global War
Estimated reading time: 2:00 minutes
It is something natural from observation to be able to
discover a number of behaviors assumed by the being as otherness, to realize
that the main threat to human existence is the human being himself and nothing
else. It is somewhat paradoxical to notice how most people are happy with the
evil of others.
Everywhere there are mobs, disinformation, hatreds, revenge attacks, robberies, murders, kidnappings, wounded, bombs, displaced people, immigrants, famine, threats, envy, intolerance, terrorism, kidnappings, forced recruitment, extortion, corruption, tyranny, bad government and whatever you dear reader want to add as an element contrary to peace.
Peace among men should be immanence in itself, but
that is a utopia. In that sense, there is not a single place on the globe where
this dichotomy does not exist, because although it may not be happening to that
person or community, events near or far from the "trivial”, besides they
suggest their existence to the extent of being sensitive to the things that
come from cruelty, may torment.
Image taken from:
According to what was expressed by Micó (2021), experts in polemology and the study of ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ wars and according to the most relevant authors in the philosophical doctrine of war, quoting Pérez (2012) points out that the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) is not a war as such. It is a total war because it is global and to be global one should understand that it happens everywhere.
According to, Mires (2023) we are probably not facing
a Third World War but the first global war in history. The difference would be
the following: while in the two world wars so far known powers were confronted
that escalating generated new war conflicts, a global war — to put it in a
tautological way - encompasses (integrates, articulates) previously established
conflicts, some of them, of long standing. (p.1).
So what are the philosophers of the world doing about
it?, in the understood as Aristotle would say, we are all soul, body and
reason, in that sense “we are all philosophers”
OCCIDENTALIZACIÓN FALLIDA. Enclaves del Pensamiento, 1-21.
Mires, F. (25 de octubre de 2023). Diario
de Cuba. DDC. Obtenido de
Pérez, C. (2012). “La Guerra Global
contra el Terrorismo (GWOT)”,. Boletín de información, núm. 324, 7 -
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