

Embrace philosophy

Embrace philosophy

Estimated reading time 5: 40 minutes

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As a starting point that is intended to simplify, we'll discuss about the importance of considering the philosophy of the hug as an act of love, in principle towards one's self and from one as to be multiplier of positive synergies towards otherness, it is suggested to consider that the same part of the meaning of love, in which case there are different meanings and in each reader is able to resignify the here proposed in order to generate the act of philosophizing on a subject that seems so common but that in the practice is so elusive.

Design: Martin Patiño V.


In our times, in that it attempts to overcome one of the many pandemics such as the CODIV-19 and others such as cancer, the mental and violence, just to mention a few and ad portas winds of war world, but also taking into account that Colombia has failed to overcome the violence and on the contrary in spite of the efforts of peace-we live in a chaos, in an internal armed conflict not passed, only changed, not to say of war, in the midst of some technological advances, unprecedented, the absence of the transmission of what caring is increasingly sullen, among other things because in our idiosyncrasy there is no culture of embrace, with few exceptions that are more familiar to us than the social.

According to Valle (2020) in the midst of some anthropological considerations based on the study of the occurrences left by distance, fear, the enclosure of the "human self" in the individual and solitary sense in the face of a threat, arises what has been called the "digital community of hugs" which is much more novel than the "real hug" because it tries to interact with friends, family, work, study, in which case there is the invisible and intangible, only the ideology of the colorful and the colorful as color is only a required perception of our senses and of the “I”.

 We already know that the being cannot offer of what he does not have but has self-love how can he offer love? And the feeling of a hug is a way of transmitting love in the universal meaning that fits the positive energies in two ways, for oneself and for the other. Yes I am not able to embrace me as I embrace the other, according to the exposed Garrido (2012) proposed in both a stand phenomenological approaches from the look of Bernhard Welte, about love, a series of interesting elements that transversaliza even for the religion and love in the sense of what is observed as the pathos[1] erotic, in which case we will discern to welcome the apex of what is transmitted in a hug.

[1] πάθος páthos 'mood', 'passion', 'emotion', 'suffering'; cf. lat. late pathos. (Taken from the WEB).


It is considered that from the knowledge of physiology with the philosophy Whilhem Wundt, it creates psychology and from there there is an evolution that allows scholars in the embrace to scrutinize the meanings of it in the role of individuals in society; according to, Torres (s/f) there are eight kinds of hugs in which the psyche[2]human soul - of the being plays an important role: classic hug, dance hug, eye contact hug, companionship hug, asymmetric hug, lateral hug, distant hug and violent hug, however there are many more hugs like the cosmic one in which I can embrace the sun, the moon and the stars, the same universe.

[2] From Greek ψυχή, psyché, it is a concept from the worldview of ancient Greece, which designated the life force of an individual, united to his body in life and detached from it after his death. (Taken from the Web). 

In all of them there is a transmission of vitality as positive or negative energy, in which case it depends more on the transmitter than on the receiver itself, because an embrace carried out with love has an emancipatory effect in relation to the rebellion of separating from that being who we harbor momentarily within us and from us for him, a magic that separates the most harmful thoughts and feelings to turn them into light and virtue.

If people embraced more lovingly, we would have better expectations in front of what can not be changed, we would assume among all a substantially more attractive position in front of the impossible. Embracing in harmony may have better additive effects for our organism but above all for our mind and the abstract entity as the soul.

They embrace parents, children, brothers, family, acquaintance, stranger, bride, wife, in bohemia, in the confraternity, in the gathering, in wine, in birth, in illness, in recovery, in difficulties, in misfortune, in triumph, they embrace in victory and defeat, they embrace goals, opportunities, they embrace animals, trees and flowers, they embrace virtually and embrace in person, they embrace the friend to the unknown, to the contrary, and even the enemy in those moments of peace and love but especially when one has pain in portray the real human drama, wrapped in sadness and in joy, hugging with eyes and with a smile, hugging life and also death.

The embrace dispels anxiety and fear, it is a sincere emotional communication, it is an action without words. The embrace is a sign of great love.

A hug can save a life but it can also change it.

A hug to all of you, dear readers.

I recommend listening to the following melodious theme that brings another meaning from so many that may arise in you about the philosophy of embrace.


Click here:


Garrido, A. (Julio -Diciembre de 2012). Lo que contienen los abrazos. El Sentido ontológico, cronólogico y cósmico religioso del amor a partir del pensamiento de Bernhard Welte. Franciscanum, 2001-2030. Obtenido de

Torres, A. (s.f.). Psicología y Mente. Obtenido de

Valle, J. (25 de marzo de 2020). Cultura Inquieta. Obtenido de





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