


 Hate as a cultural element

Estimated reading time 5:20 minutes

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Discern about hatred from our understanding part assume the fact that considers this phenomenon as a feeling. From the position of some philosophers as Descartes (1649), in his treatise on “the Passions of The Soul” warns items considered as primitive among them the “hate”, pointing out that this is presented as a “fact bad and harmful that moves the human being which is divided in two, one of which relate to the bad things, the other ugly and is last we can call it horror or aversion, characterized by being violent because they fill the soul. It generates an uneven and weaker and sometimes faster pulsation in the body. Hatred is an emotion caused by spirits that incite the soul to want to separate itself from objects that are presented as harmful”. There are people who like to feel hate.

In general, hatred has been a subject that has been addressed by different philosophers throughout human existence. Our thinking refers to addressing hatred from the pandemic, fueled this feeling exponentially given the confinement and the same social control that horrifies the fact of becoming infected, being infected or having been infected. It is a psychic phenomenon that is increasing and that needs to be recognized to harbor the virtue of trying to face it, even more in ourselves.

Hatred is equal to failure, hatred is an intense emotion of repulsing another, towards some phenomenon, something that provokes antipathy, disgust, enmity, it is also the desire to avoid, or to destroy the objective of the other. Hatred is an emotion of fear of losing a just goal or not, or out of envy, incitement to reveal oneself against the supreme being. Hatred is an external and personal evil that introduces doubts into the mind through deception.

According to Salesian (2020) there is an uptick in discourses that encourage hatred against different groups and people. "Fear, misinformation and prejudice have become the perfect ingredients for many people to have been subjected to verbal aggression, physical aggression and discrimination. In this situation anyone can be a victim of this virus that spreads infecting all the organs of our society.”

The chat, social networks are colored by the language of the invisible hatred and contempt, is characterized by the disregard of the "otherness", but above all for the ego, for the veneration of the “I”, and for the disqualification of any that don't feel like forming around those who emit a retinue of followers who don't even know from the reason why you support it, it is simply a condition amorphous to find identity in the cause to liberate the visceral hatred. To this is nested the disinformation flying on social networks.

Colombia is inexorably approaching another historical fact, its elections and hatred prevail in most populist discourses that try in their proselytizing acts to advance to power, however, the media discourse is polarized by two setbacks that feed hatred, regardless of who may be right in their postulates under the constants, war – peace, friend – enemy, armed uprising or crime vs State forces. In the political and ideological: left – right, centre-right and centre-left, perhaps in the latter tendencies hatred is paradoxically more peaceful and in the midst of their cautious language they reveal things such as corruption or the wrongdoing of another contradictor, which is usually considered sensible, but not deprived of generating hatred in those who receive it.

The phenomenon of opposites feeds hatred, atheists vs believers, rich vs poor, employment vs unemployment, hunger vs opulence, corruption vs power, justice vs injustice, lovers vs disillusioned, wives vs husbands, children vs parents, among many examples and in almost all the human being ties that feeling as own of himself.

Hate is evil counselor and predicts misfortune not to whom to apply, because it is the hatred saved proportions in the human being, is the cup in which is deposited as single a few drops of sulfuric acid, to be noted as your body begins to destroy dilute in the nothing, that is what finally makes the hatred, not so much in the other as oneself.

It is cyclical, intolerant, dissociative, it is a new culture of survival where collective narcissism prevails, supported by the unequal media. Hatred is invisible, and given the consequences of those who generate it, it also affects the peace and mental security of those who, even without being direct targets, are somehow contaminated.

The being cannot hate those who have not loved, why is it explained to hate something that is not known? Whether object or being. If it is the love of freedom, hatred is generated by the one who usurps it and so on.

Only madmen may not feel that despicable feeling, but yet in the midst of their madness they act with hatred.

We are in a world of crazy or crazy as Juan Darienzo would interpret in his famous and ancient tango "Loca".

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Descartes, R. (1649). Tratado de las Pasiones del Alma. Obtenido de

DW. (16 de Febrero de 2021). La pandemia generó un aumento en el discurso de odio contra personas LGBTI. Obtenido de

Salesiana, B. G. (2020). La pandemia del odio. Obtenido de


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