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time 5:20 minutes
Appreciating corruption from the bet proposed by
Edmund Husserl in his phenomenology, could be one of many existing
possibilities with which he would identify himself more closely, since it
starts from experience itself, as that object – in this case, the corruption,
materialized as a phenomenon under study – that is not precisely that which is
hidden or difficult to identify in our environment and daily life, on the
contrary, but in this article shall cease to be approached from their stages[1] to create our own
peculiarities from which we can identify you, and to enter to question, in what
virtue there is in each of us as beings thinking in both philosophers.
There are different meanings of the word corruption or
corrumpere, according to Educalingo (n.f.) it is "a progressive
interruption in something: humidity corrupts many organic substances. Morally
and spiritually spoil the customs. Buy with money, promises the services of a
person, induciéndola to act dishonestly, to fail in his duty” and many more,
could intuit that the corruption is something subersivo because not only upends
the social aspect of a particular government, be it democratic, socialist,
marxist, autocrat, popular, progressive and others, but that the pair of this
“phenomenon” cyst in humanity as something that implodes the natural.
Corruption in nature, in the being as a social
individual, has an impact that we can already appreciate from where you may be,
not to appreciate and give the place that the ecosystem deserves as terrestrial
beings, although in nature corruption is offered to itself as an organic
process, our actions to the detriment of planetary care can already be
classified as harmful by others corrupt, being aware that something is good or
bad for our existence.
In the social as a family, the corruption is
experienced in the individual, as the lack of adequate educate and lead by
example, because the one who lives with us or we with them, emulate the ways of
every one, if you return a pen that accidentally you get when you lend, even
having to come back after a long way, and deliver it, is by giving an example
of honesty and fighting the pernicious but enfolding corruption.
In the family as in the community, if you act with
good morals and before the opportunity that the life of free will gives you,
with all security and starting from the knowing you will avoid that which will
promote the deterioration offered by corruption, as something expeditious to
achieve a determined end.
In the community as a particular corporate government, if you offer and promise under any condition something to subvert fate and take advantage of circumstances not as an act of overcoming but of taking advantage of the condition, you are causing evil and unrest around.
Corruption in democratic, social governments of right
and participatory, in the executive, legislative and judicial, so evident to
our society, is still more cruel than family or individual practice, it is the
same, because if you allow in your home, with your partner, with your children
some act that your intuition, after reducing that phenomenon known as
corruption, can practice it is equally or worse corrupt than the same
government in which case it is in us as citizens of the world to rebel.
In ideologies, in popular elections, in religions, in
institutions such as the judiciary, the military, the police, educational
centers, medical centers, kindergartens, the media, prisons, even in the bad
and in the good, in dichotomies such as war and peace, among many more, we will
have to find that evil that we all hear, see, censor, live and fear as
We must permanently question these factors of validity
in both the ethical and the moral, beyond looking at Kant, or our mirror, since
as we have seen corruption is not new and is inserted in the decadence of
society, nature and the human being.
It is necessary to rethink the concept of corruption from the educational field as the main element that promotes a change about what it is and should not be. Corruption is the worst pandemic, the worst cancer of human society and the worst war that we will have to fight since in one way or another we have been the object of its consequences.
Educalingo. (s.f.). Significado de
"corrumpere" en el diccionario de italiano. Obtenido de
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